21 in the Bible: The Surprising Meaning Behind This Number

You have probably heard about certain numbers that show up again and again in the Bible.

Numbers like three, seven, twelve – they pop up all over the place, and people say they have deep spiritual meanings.

But what about the number twenty-one? You don’t hear as much about that one.

But believe it or not, twenty-one has a special significance in Scripture too.

In this article, we’ll take a close look at twenty-one, where it shows up in the Bible, and the surprising meaning behind it.

You may have never noticed or thought about this number before, but after reading this, you’ll see twenty-one in a whole new light.

The Significance of Numbers in the Bible

Sacred Symbolism

In the Bible, numbers are more than just figures – they carry deep symbolic meaning and spiritual significance.

Many scholars believe numbers were used to convey profound truths about God, His character, and His relationship with humanity.

Far from mere coincidence, the repetition and patterns of certain numbers in scripture are seen as intentional and divinely inspired.

From the creation account to prophetic visions, numbers permeate the biblical text as a kind of sacred code.

Numerology and Hidden Messages

Biblical numerology is the study of this symbolic language of numbers.

Though it’s a somewhat controversial subject, proponents believe numbers encode hidden messages and foreshadow future events.

For example, the number 7 is widely seen as representing completion, perfection, and spiritual wholeness throughout the Bible.

It occurs hundreds of times, such as in the seven days of creation and the seven churches of Revelation.

Revealing God’s Nature

Beyond numerology, numbers are often used to reveal aspects of God’s nature and plans for humanity.

The number 3 represents the Holy Trinity – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Forty frequently signifies a period of testing, trial or renewal, like the Israelites’ 40 years in the wilderness.

Other numbers like 12 (the tribes of Israel), 8 (new beginnings), and 666 (the mark of the beast) carry profound symbolism as well.

Whether you view them as inspired codes or simply literary devices, numbers clearly play a vital role in scripture.

Examples of Important Biblical Numbers and Their Meanings

Numerology plays a significant role in the Bible, with certain numbers carrying deep symbolic meanings.

Let’s explore some of the most prominent examples.


The number three is deeply rooted in Christian theology, representing the Holy Trinity – the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

It also signifies completeness, as seen in Jonah’s three days in the belly of the fish or Christ’s three-day entombment before resurrection.


Seven is considered a sacred number, symbolizing perfection and completeness.

It appears repeatedly in the Bible, such as the seven days of creation, the seven churches in Revelation, and the seven deadly sins.


Twelve represents divine authority, governance, and God’s people.

Examples include the twelve tribes of Israel, the twelve apostles, and the twelve gates of the New Jerusalem.


Forty is a number associated with testing, trial, and preparation.

Moses spent forty days on Mount Sinai, the Israelites wandered in the wilderness for forty years, and Jesus fasted for forty days before beginning His ministry.


Six is seen as the number of imperfection or human weakness, as it falls one short of the perfect number seven.

The most well-known example is 666, known as the “number of the beast” in Revelation, representing evil and opposition to God.

Understanding the symbolic meanings behind these numbers can provide deeper insights into biblical narratives and teachings.

However, it’s essential to interpret them within their proper context and resist the temptation to read too much into numerical patterns.

The Number 21 in the Old Testament

You might be surprised to learn that the number 21 carries significant symbolic meaning in the Old Testament.

While it doesn’t appear as frequently as numbers like 7 or 12, it’s still mentioned in some fascinating contexts.

Numerical Patterns & Meanings

In biblical numerology, many numbers are thought to represent spiritual concepts or carry deeper symbolic value.

For example, 3 is often associated with the divine, while 4 represents creation.

So what about 21?

Some scholars believe 21 symbolizes a period of suffering, trial or hardship.

This interpretation stems from a few key Old Testament passages mentioning 21 days or years in relation to difficult circumstances.

Major Biblical References

One notable example is the Book of Daniel.

Daniel mourns for 21 days after receiving a vision about the future suffering of Israel.

In Genesis, Abraham’s departure from his homeland to Canaan marks the start of 21 years of barrenness for Sarah before she conceives Isaac.

Another compelling reference is in the Book of Ezekiel.

The prophet acts out a symbolic siege against Jerusalem that lasts 21 days – one day for each year of punishment the people will endure for their sins.

Overcoming Trials & Tribulations

While 21 is tied to hardship in the Old Testament, many interpret it as representing a finite period that can ultimately be overcome through faith and perseverance.

The number reflects the temporary nature of suffering before spiritual renewal or victory.

So when you come across this number in scripture, consider the context.

Does it refer to a season of difficulty that leads to redemption, blessing or a new covenant with God? The number 21 reminds us that even in our darkest hours, hope remains if we endure with trust in the divine plan.

The Number 21 in the New Testament

As you delve into the New Testament, you’ll discover the number 21 woven into its pages.

Let’s unravel the symbolism behind this intriguing number.

Significance in Gospels and Epistles

In the Gospels, the number 21 appears in a few notable instances.

For example, when Jesus asks Peter how many times one should forgive a brother, Peter suggests up to seven times.

But Jesus responds, “Not seven times, but seventy times seven” (Matthew 18:21-22) – which equals 490, or 21 x 23.

This underscores the boundless nature of forgiveness.

Similarly, in John’s Gospel, the account of Jesus’ post-resurrection appearance to the disciples mentions they caught 153 fish (John 21:11) – a number divisible by the product of 21 and its mirror, 12.

A Potential Meaning

Many biblical scholars believe the number 21 signifies the product of 3 (representing the Trinity) and 7 (representing perfection or completeness).

As such, it may symbolize divine perfection or the completeness of God’s revelation.

In Revelation 21, we find a vivid description of the New Jerusalem, adorned with 12 gates made of pearls.

This city’s dimensions are given as a cube – its length, width, and height each measuring 12,000 stadia (about 1,400 miles).

Curiously, the number 12,000 is divisible by 21.

A Call to Spiritual Maturity

The Apostle Paul, addressing the issue of spiritual immaturity in the Corinthian church, writes, “When I was a child, I spoke like a child…but when I became a man, I gave up childish ways” (1 Corinthians 13:11).

This verse is the 21st in that chapter, perhaps hinting at the need for believers to grow into spiritual maturity – the completeness symbolized by 21.

So while the precise meaning remains open to interpretation, the number 21 in the New Testament seems to carry undertones of divine perfection, completeness, and spiritual growth.

As you read, keep an eye out for this intriguing numerical pattern.

The Surprising Symbolism and Meaning of 21 in the Bible

A Significant Number

Let’s explore the fascinating symbolism behind the number 21 in the Bible.

This number pops up more often than you might think, hinting at deeper spiritual meanings.

From the get-go, 21 carries a sense of spiritual perfection.

It’s the product of two highly symbolic numbers – 3 (the divine number) and 7 (the number of completeness).

Together, they form a number representing spiritual maturity and divine completeness.

Significant Mentions

The Bible mentions 21 in some pretty interesting contexts.

For instance, in Revelation 4, John describes 24 elders surrounding God’s throne – a number divisible by 21.

Wild, right?

Even ancient Jewish tradition assigns deep meaning to 21.

The name for God, YHVH, has a numeric value of 21 when you add up the Hebrew letters.

Mind-blowing stuff!

Unlocking Hidden Truths

So what does 21’s symbolism teach us? Well, it serves as a powerful reminder that our spiritual journey is one of growth and maturity.

Just like the number itself represents completeness, we’re called to become spiritually “complete” through our relationship with God.

The number 21 also points to the triune nature of God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

After all, it’s a multiple of that divine number 3.

Whenever you see 21 mentioned, you can ponder the incredible mystery of our Triune God.

In the end, this little number holds big symbolic weight in Scripture.

Keep an eye out for its appearances – you might be surprised by the hidden truths it unveils!

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